Saturday, July 28, 2018

violaslayvis: judo-ichidai: violaslayvis: “One of the most important things the [Black Panther]... 14

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“One of the most important things the [Black Panther] Party did was to make it really clear who the enemy was: not white people, but the capitalistic, imperialistic oppressors. They took the Black liberation struggle out of a national context and put it in an international context…. It was also clear to me that without a truly internationalist component nationalism was reactionary. There was nothing revolutionary about nationalism by itself-Hitler and Mussolini were nationalists. Any community seriously concerned with its own freedom has to be concerned about other peoples’ freedom as well. The victory of oppressed people anywhere in the world is a victory for Black people. Each time one of imperialism’s tentacles is cut off we are closer to liberation… Imperialism is an international system of exploitation, and we, as revolutionaries, need to be internationalists to defeat it.”

— Assata Shakur, “Assata: An Autobiography”

@Leninists Maoists and all other natlib lovers. Communism will win; nations won’t.

You’ll be surprised to know that Assata was actually a strong “Leninist natlib lover”

“I was willing and ready to learn everything i could from [the white left], but i damn sure was not ready to accept them as leaders of the Black Liberation struggle. A few thought that they had a monopoly on Marx and acted like the only experts in the world on socialism came from Europe. In many instances they downgraded the theoretical and practical contributions of Third World revolutionaries like Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Augustino Neto, and other leaders of liberation movements in the Third World…They attacked the Vietnamese for participating in the Paris peace talks, claiming that by negotiating the Viet Cong were selling out to the u.s. I think they got insulted when i asked them how a group of flabby white boys who couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag had the nerve to think they could tell the Vietnamese people how to run their show.”

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